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Thursday, November 30, 2006

The First Snow Day

We got our first snow of the winter last night, and of course today is the day that somebody let all the idiots who normally stay home get in their cars and drive. Happens every year. The streets are paved with ice, the wind is cold, and it's hard getting around outside. The warehouse is very cold as well. (Obviously, some of you had your first snow day already and others of you will have yours later. Whenever your first show day is, look out for people who are not used to driving in such conditions yet.)

The snow made it a somewhat strange day around here. Jolene doesn't work Thursdays, Vanessa stayed home, and Mike is home sick. So it was back to the 2004 version of ADB with just the three partners. Worse, the snow meant that Leanna and I got here and hour late and we're all going to leave two hours early to get out of here in daylight before rush hour.

Just to make it fun...
1. We're shipping the last of the CL34 wholesaler orders.
2. The Alliance restock came in only two weeks after the last one.
3. Tomorrow is the first of the "Vanessa deadlines" for Petrick and I to hand over finished pages of new products.

Vanessa has decided that (having watched us kill ourselves finishing CL34 in crisis mode) that CL35 shall be different. While Petrick and I have sworn that every time since CL19, Vanessa means business. She wants the first four pages of CL35 by close of business tomorrow and next week she will start adding pages of PD-Fed and some SFB product not selected yet to the total. She's quite a slavedriver.