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Monday, June 11, 2007


Steve Cole Reports: Funny how calmly things are when we got our work done early and aren't in crisis management mode.

The Booklet binder is broken, but we don't need it this week so there was plenty of time for the mechanic we call to come fix it.

I needed to change the Battleships countersheet to match some of the scenario changes that the playtesters wanted, but we have several extra days so no problem.

I have 12 pages of Module R11 on my desk for proofreading which I haven't had time to get to, but we are more than a week ahead, so no need for panic.

The other game company that is "gang running" their stuff with ours is late getting their p art of the gang run in, but our part of the project is done and we have a day or two to wait for them.

It's good to be ahead of schedule. Things that cause blind panic on a tight schedule are no big deal when you got done far enough ahead to take a deep breath and do them right.