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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Making Haste Slowly

Steve Cole reports: Lots going on, and lots waiting to happen.

We're waiting for the fourth laser engine to show up as we're maxing out the other three. I have got to get the new building built or there won't be room for it.

Steve Petrick has been sick since Friday (wer'e both VERY allergic to onions and some other things, and he managed to swallow a piece of onion the size of his pinkie thumbnail, sending him to bed for four days), and his absence isn't helping. Because Mike has taken over the warehouse, Steve Petrick and I have been able to work much more closely, and when Steve P isn't here, I'm kind of back to the old "spend 30 minutes finding what he could just tell me" thing. I've been working on the Hydran chapter of the SFB Master Starship Book, and there are things I could ask him that I now have to look up.

Matt got back from his trip down state, and spent the day finishing the merging of the two web sites. A few things are still a bit wonky, and while it's easy to get INTO federationcommander.com it's trickier to get out of it since the original FC site had no real links to the SFB one.