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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Card Game

This is Steven Petrick Reporting.

While SVC and I were visiting Board Game Geek, we had the opportunity to play a hand of Star Fleet Battle Force. We do not get such opportunities often.

The random draw of the cards put into SVC's hands a two DNs (Klingon and Tholian), a Gorn DD, a Klingon Carrier, and a Federation Frigate.

My own hand gave me a Klingon D7 (Joy, my own ship, the Thunderchild), the Orion BR and LR, a Gorn BC, and a Tholian CW.

Given his heavy reliance on disruptors (three ships), I concentrated on stripping away his plasma and photon capabilities first. SVC, despite the heavy hitting potential he had, found it difficult to eliminate my key ship (the BR, which could use almost any weapon cards), but managed to drive me into moving it into reserve (he missed killing it by one damage point).

I managed to eliminate his Gorn BC and Federation FF, but found myself in a desperate struggle to against his surviving ships. Twice, when I thought I had his carrier, he pulled the "Disengage card" and saved it (that was what I got for trying to foul up his hands with the Organian ceasefire card, which I wound up pulling twice). But I finally destroyed it, and picked off the Tholian. At this juncture, SVC broke my heart by playing the Klingon Mutiny card and stealing the Thunderchild for his own, leaving me the Orion BR, not quite completely repaired.

Things looked grim, as SVC now had the Klingon DN and the D7, but I had a card I had held since the battle began in my reserve hand (which I did not lose when the Organian ceasefire was played), and called up a reinforcement. (Another Gorn ship joined my hand, but I do not remember what ship it was.)

With SVC's hand now limited to phasers, drones, and disruptors, I was able to capitalize on the BR's jack of all trades weapons suite (and a few lucky card draws, like an overload card and a photon card with a few phasers to eliminate the C8, and a plasma-S card and an enveloping card to stop his attempt to destroy one of my ships with the PF card), after which the Treacherous Thunderchild did not last long.

It would be nice to able to play games more often than we do, but we put most of our time into trying to design things for the game and write things (or tweak things others have written) for Captain's Log.