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Thursday, February 05, 2009


It's been a less than spectacular first two weeks for President Obama. Frankly, it looks like the children are running the White House. Three major appointees have withdrawn (two did not pay their taxes, a third is being investigated for corruption), another was approved despite tax problems, and a few lobbiests got "waivers" from the "no hiring lobbyists" rule (so much for the "most ethical administration"). I watched West Wing for years, and Josh Limon would never have allowed this kind of incompetent staff work.

The "stimulus bill" is obviously in trouble and won't pass. Sure, blame it on Pelosi (who hung every payoff she could find to every political constituency the Democrats owed) but Obama approved it and fought for it and refused to change it. As everybody knows, it's not a stimulus bill at all, but a junk basket of pork barrel spending and other stupid ideas. The "tax cuts" are $500 checks for people (which won't stimulate anything; if you want to stimulate things, cut
business taxes from the US 35% rate to the European 25% rate). The infrastructure spending is mostly after the recession will have fixed itself (the only parts that are not are Bush projects which have finished planning and are ready for construction money to be allocated). The rest of it is just pork and new social (that is, socialist) programs (many of which will add more spending to every year's budget in the future).

Do I even need to mention that closing Guantanamo is dangerously stupid and naive?

Sure, Obama "won" and should get what he wants, and Democrats (and their Media Stooges, or maybe Media Masters) always define "bipartisan" as "Republicans do what Democrats want so that Democrats don't get all of the blame when it fails", but that isn't what happened. Seven years of the media telling people who didn't hate Bush that everybody else did hate Bush (and the insanity of the Republican Party nominating a Democrat-pretending-to-be-a-Republican for president) is what won for Obama. That and the economic crisis (caused entirely by Senator Dodd and Congressman Frank, who blocked regulations that Republicans fought for due to the millions of dollars in bribes that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paid Democrats). The country voted for Obama (the most leftwing man to ever hold the presidency, or a senate seat for that matter) but the country did not vote for his socialist agenda.

The Democrats have decided that Republicans now have to say "we want Obama to succeed". We do want Obama to succeed in getting the country out of the mess it's in, but we do not want him to succeed in his radical socialist agenda. If he wants to save the country and be a great president, he better bring the Republicans in (as opposed to demanding their surrender) and consider THEIR plan (cut business taxes and let the economy fix itself).